Benefits of Garlic
History of Garlic
Garlic (Allium Satium) is a herbaceous plant and the part that is generally used is that of the bulb. Its area of origin seems to be the central part of Asia and then spread around the world. Known since ancient times, seems that it was just garlic grass miraculous that Odysseus used to bring back his fellow men that were turned into swine by Circe.
Health Benefits of Garlic
Garlic is formed by 65% and 30% of water-soluble substances and the remaining percentage of fat-soluble substances. It's a great food with healthy properties. The amount you can eat but should be small because too many assumptions may cause irritation to the intestinal wall and cause damage to blood cells causing anemia.
Enough amount consumption of garlic for the prevention of influenza, colds, tuberculosis, bronchitis, boils, tumors and skin diseases.
It seems more than anything that garlic reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer, prevents arteriosclerosis and strengthens the immune system. The garlic gives a great overall well-being during aging.
Quality and Conservation of Garlic
The production of garlic is especially in Central Asia, and China holds 70% of world production, followed by India and South Korea In Europe, however, holds the primacy of Spain.
The marketing of garlic can be varied depending on the degree of maturation of the bulb and can be found for sale of fresh, green, dried seeds and dried.